Tabantha Wheat
This grain is cultivated extensively on the Tabantha Plains. It's ground finely with a millstone to be used in cooking. Use it to make things such as stews and breads.
-3646, 1817, 185
-3645, 1817, 185
-3645, 1817, 185
-3825, -2939, 43
-3825, -2939, 43
-3824, -2939, 43
428, 2182, 152
428, 2182, 152
"__RowId": "Item_Material_07",
"DyeColor": "LightYellow",
"IsUsable": true,
"BuyingPrice": 12,
"PouchGetType": "Small",
"PouchUseType": "EatFood",
"SellingPrice": 3,
"PouchCategory": "Material",
"BundleActorNum": 1,
"CureEffectType": "None",
"PouchStockable": true,
"HitPointRecover": 4,
"IsPlantableCrop": true,
"PouchSpecialDeal": "None",
"SpiceBoostEffectiveTime": 30