A New Champion's Tunic

  1. According to Princess Zelda's diary, a new and improved Champion's Tunic is hidden in the throne room of Hyrule Castle. She wrote that the "torches are the key," but what does that mean?
  2. You acquired the Champion's Leathers that Princess Zelda prepared for you in the throne room of Hyrule Castle.

Properties Attribute

    "Steps": [
            "Name": "Ready",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [],
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
            "Name": "Step01",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationActor",
                    "Actor": "Work\/Actor\/TwnObj_HatenoVillage_ZeldaDiary_A_03.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "BlackOutFlag": "",
                    "InstanceName": "",
                    "AlternativePos": {
                        "X": 3303.89990234375,
                        "Y": 218.02999877929688,
                        "Z": 2300.75
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
    "__RowId": "Work\/Challenge\/Hateno_NewCostume.game__challenge__Challenge.gyml",
    "SortIndex": 5721,
    "RequestActor": "Work\/Actor\/TwnObj_HatenoVillage_ZeldaDiary_A_03.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/Hateno.game__location__Location.gyml"