The High Spring and the Light Rings

  1. At the Spring of Wisdom near the summit of Mount Lanayru, Nazbi told you this legend: "Skim across snow, from the spring high in the heavens to the mountain below. Pass through the rings of light to see the Light of Blessing." The "spring high in the heavens" in the legend may refer to the Spring of Wisdom.
  2. "Skim across snow, from the spring high in the heavens to the mountain below. Pass through the rings of light to see the Light of Blessing." You jumped from the sky island springs above Mount Lanayru, went through the rings of light toward the ground, and at the end of it all, a Shrine of Light appeared.

Properties Attribute

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    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/MapArea_LiveMountain.game__location__Location.gyml"