

A precious blue ore mined from natural rock formations. Sapphires contain the very essence of ice. They've been known to fetch a high price since ancient times.

-4413, 1932, 116
-3856, 3804, 263
-3916, 2764, -19
-2707, -123, 234
-1508, 3510, 256
-212, -1490, 42
35, 444, 24
893, -38, 75
1668, 2469, 387
1666, 2472, 387
1667, 2471, 387
1540, -3354, 59
2968, 1471, 289
4176, 2210, 19
4831, 2757, 7
4674, 994, 221
-248, 1065, 465
-3765, -2521, 9
3238, -3083, 17
-632, 1475, -22
3311, 672, 1714
-2828, 2902, 1482


    "__RowId": "Item_Ore_C",
    "DyeColor": "Blue",
    "BuyingPrice": 600,
    "PouchGetType": "Small",
    "PouchUseType": "EatFood",
    "SellingPrice": 150,
    "PouchCategory": "Material",
    "BundleActorNum": 1,
    "PouchStockable": true,
    "PouchSpecialDeal": "None"