
Large Zonaite

Zonaite of especially high purity. The amount of energy concentrated in it allows for much higher power output than regular zonaite.

-1227, -40, 416
589, -912, 1473
-4634, -2412, 37
-3977, 3131, 278
-259, 148, 21
1661, -942, 250
-3931, -746, 577
3379, 716, 1719
-3003, 2977, 1511
-799, -1920, -467
-746, -1872, -660
547, -2179, -528
1034, -2240, -519
1674, 2725, -846
4627, 3675, -416


    "__RowId": "Item_Ore_M",
    "DyeColor": "Green",
    "BuyingPrice": 24,
    "PouchGetType": "Small",
    "PouchSortKey": 5,
    "PouchUseType": "EatFood",
    "SellingPrice": 6,
    "PouchCategory": "Material",
    "BundleActorNum": 1,
    "PouchStockable": true,
    "PouchSpecialDeal": "BigZonanium"