Destroy Ganondorf

  1. Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, and Spirit. The five sages have awakened and entrusted you with their power. You still don't know where Demon King Ganondorf is, but Purah says she suspects the Depths. If you work with Josha, who has been investigating the Depths, you might gain a lead.
  2. Wind, Fire, Water, Lightning, and Spirit. The five sages have awakened and entrusted you with their power. You also determined the Demon King's location during The Depths investigation. All that's left now is to head to the deepest area of the Depths beneath Hyrule Castle and defeat Demon King Ganondorf.

Properties Attribute

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            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [],
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            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
            "Name": "FindWhereabouts",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationActor",
                    "Actor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_AncientDoctor.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "BlackOutFlag": "",
                    "InstanceName": "WatchTowerPurah",
                    "AlternativePos": {
                        "X": -251.5,
                        "Y": 132.92410278320312,
                        "Z": -151
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            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
            "Name": "GoToDeepHole",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "Pos": {
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                        "Y": -2331.31005859375,
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                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationPos",
                    "BlackOutFlag": ""
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            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
            "Name": "DefeatMonsterArmy",
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            "Participants": [],
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            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": true
            "Name": "DefeatGanon1",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [],
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": true
            "Name": "DefeatGanon2",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [],
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": true
            "Name": "DefeatBlackDragon",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [],
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": true
    "__RowId": "Work\/Challenge\/DefeatGanondorf.game__challenge__Challenge.gyml",
    "Category": "Main",
    "SortIndex": 91,
    "RequestActor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_AncientDoctor.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/City_BaseCamp.game__location__Location.gyml"