A Pretty Stone and Five Golden Apples

  1. You gave five golden apples to Damia. He was pleased to have so much of his favorite food. Then, as promised, he gave you the pretty green stone that emits light.
  2. Damia gave you a pretty stone that shines green. It seems that you can enter a Shrine of Light if you offer up the crystal. Follow the ray of light, and offer up the crystal at the shrine.
  3. Damia has a pretty green stone that emits light. He says he'll trade it to you for five golden apples. He says there are trees where the golden apples grow on the north side of a bottomless bog called Mido Swamp. If you follow the path by Damia deep into the woods, you'll find it.
  4. The pretty stone from Damia emitted a light that led you to a shrine. When you presented the stone, a Shrine of Light appeared.

Properties Attribute

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            "Name": "Crystal",
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            "Participants": [
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    "__RowId": "Work\/Challenge\/Korok_CarryToShrine.game__challenge__Challenge.gyml",
    "Category": "Sub",
    "SortIndex": 2311,
    "RequestActor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_Kokiri011.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
    "DependFlagName": "EnemyKilled_AccidentOfDekutree",
    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/Cokiri.game__location__Location.gyml"