A Picture for New Serenne Stable

  1. Sprinn, owner of New Serenne Stable, is pleased to have a painting of a geoglyph hung on his establishment's wall. He was going to give you a reward, but your inventory was full. Be sure to trim your belongings before you accept his gift.
  2. Sprinn, the owner of New Serenne Stable, wants to decorate his establishment with a painting of a geoglyph. They've appeared all over Hyrule. In fact, one can be found very near the stable. Maybe there's a way to show a picture of one to Sprinn.
  3. Sprinn, owner of New Serenne Stable, is pleased to have a painting of a geoglyph hung on his establishment's wall. Still, he's happy to replace it with a different picture of a geoglyph. Just show him a new image, and he'll make a copy to put on display.

Properties Attribute

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            "Participants": [
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                    "IsNotClipping": false
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            "Name": "Step01",
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            "DestinationPoint": [
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                    "InstanceName": "NewHyruleWestHatago",
                    "AlternativePos": {
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            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
            "Name": "Step02",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [],
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationActor",
                    "Actor": "Work\/Actor\/TwnObj_StableHostelFrame_A_01.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "BlackOutFlag": "",
                    "InstanceName": "NewHyruleWestHatago",
                    "AlternativePos": {
                        "X": -1368.6099853515625,
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                        "Z": -731.4456787109375
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
    "__RowId": "Work\/Challenge\/PhotoSpot_Challenge_01.game__challenge__Challenge.gyml",
    "SortIndex": 5172,
    "RequestActor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HyruleWestHatago005.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/NewHyruleWestHatago.game__location__Location.gyml"