Rattled Ralera

  1. After an extended stay in Hateno Village, Ralera has returned home to Lurelin Village, and she wants to come up with something that will draw visitors to the small fishing town. The seafood curry you gave her was satisfying, but spicy, and now she's burning up. She wants a gust of wind to cool her down...
  2. After an extended stay in Hateno Village, Ralera has returned home to Lurelin Village, and she wants to come up with something that will draw visitors to the small fishing town. Unfortunately, she's too hungry to focus. She is craving a dish made with porgy, Hylian rice, and Goron spice.
  3. After her extended stay in Hateno Village, Ralera returned to Lurelin Village and created a flag for the small fishing town. To thank you for your help, she gave you a cloth with the same design as the flag. If you go to the dye shop in Hateno Village, they may show you how to use it.

Properties Attribute

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            "Name": "Ready",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [
                    "Schedule": "Work\/Component\/AIScheduleParam\/Uotori_Designer_Ready_Npc_HatenoVillage024_Uotori.game__component__AIScheduleParam.gyml",
                    "ActorName": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
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            "DestinationPoint": [],
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
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            "Name": "Step01",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [
                    "Schedule": "Work\/Component\/AIScheduleParam\/Uotori_Designer_Step01_Npc_HatenoVillage024_Uotori.game__component__AIScheduleParam.gyml",
                    "ActorName": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "InstanceName": "Uotori",
                    "IsNotClipping": false
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationActor",
                    "Actor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
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                    "InstanceName": "Uotori",
                    "AlternativePos": {
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                        "Z": 3462.509033203125
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            "Name": "Step02",
            "IsMiniGame": false,
            "Participants": [
                    "Schedule": "Work\/Component\/AIScheduleParam\/Uotori_Designer_Step02_Npc_HatenoVillage024_Uotori.game__component__AIScheduleParam.gyml",
                    "ActorName": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "InstanceName": "Uotori",
                    "IsNotClipping": false
            "DestinationPoint": [
                    "$type": "game__challenge__DestinationActor",
                    "Actor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
                    "BlackOutFlag": "",
                    "InstanceName": "Uotori",
                    "AlternativePos": {
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                        "Y": 110.13079833984376,
                        "Z": 3462.509033203125
            "SheikahCameraTarget": [],
            "ForceProgressGameData": "",
            "IsNotChangeAdventureLog": false
    "__RowId": "Work\/Challenge\/Uotori_Designer.game__challenge__Challenge.gyml",
    "SortIndex": 5734,
    "RequestActor": "Work\/Actor\/Npc_HatenoVillage024.engine__actor__ActorParam.gyml",
    "RequestLocation": "Work\/Location\/Taura.game__location__Location.gyml"